My Birthday Wish

Every year on my birthday, I start with gratitude.  After all, it is another day of life I know is not guaranteed and another year of hope and promise.  I use this day as a time to take inventory of the past year –what I did well, what I didn’t do so well, achievements, mistakes, what I’d like to carry into the next year of my life and what I’d like to leave behind.

My birthday represents a fresh start.  What does the one-year wiser version of Rosanna want to do?  Who does she want to become?  Are my goals and values aligned? Is there a bucket list item I am going to fulfill?

I always wish for a centered, spiritual life, vibrant health, that my love is making a difference in this world; especially with the people I love and treasure and that am I walking in “purpose”.

I believe I am as I give birth to my new company “My Magnus Opus –The Greatest Story Ever Told” which will allow you to create your legacy describing your unique magnificence and imprint you are making in this world.  “My Magnus Opus” came from a dream that has been placed on my heart for many years.  It ties together the unique way God has shaped me and what he wants me to do with the gifts he has given me.  Those gifts are love, compassionate listening, writing, helping children, healing and helping people tell their stories.

In the launch, you are seeing most of this dream.  The children part will reveal itself in the company’s next phase in a brand called, “My Junior Opus”.  This children’s version of the “My Magnus Opus” book you are holding will allow young children to tell their own story thereby recognizing the value in themselves.  They will come to see how unique and special they are.  Over time, I would like to see every foster child use this book as a tool to tell their story and know they are “chosen” as they await their permanent family placement.

Before I blow out my birthday candle, this is the wish I share with you; may you all write your incomparable legacy and then seeing the value of this process give that gift to a child –your child or a child in foster care.  I’d like to help you do both.

I am so happy to share my birthday and my dream of “My Magnus Opus” with you!


The Importance of Creating Your Legacy


Why I created my magnus opus