Do You Want To Leave A Legacy For Your Children?

They are for some of us, the greatest things we have accomplished in our lives. They may be our biological children, stepchildren, foster children or nieces and nephews. What is it we want to leave for them when we eventually leave this world? In this episode, we will talk about leaving a legacy for your children – three ways you can do it. Let’s get started on this topic of legacy that will live on long after you. Leaving a legacy for our children.  What a big responsibility.  What is it that we want to leave the very beings who are such a part of us?  Most often, we talk of legacy in terms of financial gifts.  We will leave our children our life insurance money, our home, our business or whatever else it may be.

But more important than what we leave them financially, will be the gifts that will forever touch their hearts.  In this category, we have sentimental items that have great meaning to us.  For instance, passing on our wedding band, a military medal, family photos and the list goes on.

The part that I would like you to consider is the story you would like to leave them about your life and by that I mean all of who you are not just you in your role as a parent.  So how do you do that?  First, think about writing a letter to your child.

Since I do not have biological children, my children are my incredible nine nieces and nephews.  I have written letters to each of  them and I included it in the story of my life which I hope will be the most important part of my legacy I leave to them.  

I will share with you one such letter to the first baby boy born into our family. 

I wrote:

My Dearest Jon,

You have given me such incredible joy in my life all these years.  I will never forget the day you were born.  I cried when I held you.  Everything about you was beautiful to me.  Your little hands and feet, your newborn baby smell.  As you grew, my heart would overflow with love as I watched you delight in everything from discovering your toes to learning how to make sounds and then speak.  I remember how afraid I was to sleep when I had you on the bed next to me because I wanted to hear you breathing and the sound of your heart.  Your life was and still is so precious to me.

There are so many memorable stops along the timeline of your life from your very first steps, your crazy curls and the darling little school projects you would create for me.  Then of course there were all the activities and holidays we shared together from the animal petting zoo to pumpkin picking, Christmas, Easter, sleepovers and everything in between.

Watching you grow up and celebrating each milestone of your life has been amazing to behold.  

And now, you are this incredible young man with so much promise ahead.  I marvel at all you have become.  I am and will always be so proud of you.

While I am leaving you some things at the time of my passing so you can have some financial peace, I am also leaving some sentimental items that I have truly valued during my life and know you will as well.  And yet, the most important thing I am leaving you is your Auntie’s life story.  Outside of being your Auntie, I have thoughts, dreams and passions just like you.  I’ve made mistakes I’m not proud of but they were part of my journey.  There has been so much joy in my life and there were some really hard times too.  I see that they were all necessary to shape the person I was to become.  There have been incredible memories, people and places and some people and times that have brought me great grief.  What I have learned on this beautiful journey called life is that it is okay to be perfectly imperfect -I will forever be a work in progress.  But, despite my flaws and broken pieces, I am one of God’s unique masterpieces shaped to do something special in this world (after of course being a second Mom to you).

So, here is my life story complete with pictures that you are part of.  I hope you’ll treasure it always and that it inspires and encourages you as you go through your own beautiful life journey.

Love you forever,

Your Auntie

I put this letter in the cover pocket of a luxury keepsake book I created called, “My Magnus Opus”.  It contains 125 pages of my life story with photos, songs, memorabilia, life lessons learned, the most important people in my life, things I love, milestone moments etc.  What I hope this book does is dimensionalize all that I am as a person.

The second part of the legacy process is the part I briefly mentioned in the letter and that is included in my Will and Last Testament where I bequeath, assets, properties etc. to the kids.

The third part of the legacy process is writing your story.  Many of you have said to me that you want your children to know who you are outside of being their mother.  You have told me you want them to know all about you.  This is your opportunity to do it.  You can absolutely use the book I created to do this (to purchase one simply go to or take a regular composition notebook and start writing.

One of the other things you have told me is you are not sure you want to share parts of your past with your children.  What I say to that is determine what you can share that you feel comfortable with and what you think will be really helpful to them.  Part of the reason I am okay with being vulnerable is to give my kids permission to know we can be incredible people and still make mistakes.  It is such a valuable lesson to show them how I have fallen and have gotten back up or how I have redeemed myself after doing something I was ashamed of.  These shared experiences may just give your children the courage they need to face their next great challenge.

I hope this episode has encouraged you to leave a legacy for your children.  If you would like to learn more on this topic or do some private coaching with me, please email me at:

I so look forward to hearing from you and until next time, I am sending you so much light and love.



Your Spring Renewal
