Are you going through your days pulled in 10 different

directions? Family demands, relationship issues, job

pressures, financial issues or just life demands in general.

The days fly by and you don’t know where the time went

but you do know at the end of the day, you feel exhausted.

You thought you had it under control by keeping those to-

do lists that you could check off and feel like you had

accomplished a lot.

BUT instead, you felt worse as you looked at another day

of endless to-dos that weren’t done. You are physically,

mentally and emotionally depleted. Well today’s show is

going to give you a solution to changing that. Listen in…

Well, first, I will say I’m a recovered “Busy person” – who

in the past saw getting a lot of things done as sort of an

Olympic sport. The part of that that didn’t work was what

the long-term effects of that lifestyle looked like– not

enough self-love, not being in touch with my true needs

and passions, not knowing my true purpose, not having a

quiet centered place to dream and think and finally not

shaping what I wanted my life to become. I hear this from

most of the women I speak with. They know they need to

and want to dedicate some time to themselves.

If you are one of them, listen in and I will give you the self-

care components in my healthy life plan that I have been

using with great success and I’ll even share with you the

results of it.

First, I plan out my week on Sundays in a great planner I

use from Horacio Printing (I will include the link in the

show notes in case you’re in need of an excellent planner)

and I have filled in whatever work or other commitments I

have in my planner. Commitments such as family time,

errands, work meetings, social plans etc.

Second I start every day with spiritual time. This is when I

have my cappuccino, meditate on Scripture, Pray to God

and journal. I have a wonderful app I use on my phone

called Abide which gives me daily scripture, prayers and

reflections. I am refreshed and centered to start my day

after those. But, before I do, I do a 5 – 10-minute stretch

to wake my body up and get me moving.

My spiritual time is non-negotiable. The only thing that

changes about it is the amount of time I do it (can be from

15 minutes to 1 hour) based on the schedule that day.

The third thing I do daily is practice gratitude; it can be as

simple as a mantra such as, “I am beyond blessed” or I

will stop when I am walking home and take in a simple

moment of pleasure and acknowledge it -someone’s

smile, an adorable dog, colorful flowers…there really is

beauty everywhere to notice so I try to take that all in.

The fourth thing I carve into the week is what I call a self-

care home ritual. That is an uninterrupted hour when I do

all the things that make me feel physically pampered. For

me, it is a face mask, a body scrub, a hair mask, scented

body lotion I love, and I have relaxing music playing while I

do this (again, my personal favorites are listed in show

notes). Make any variation of this for yourself – a bubble

bath with scented candles and a glass of wine or however

else you want to make yourself feel like you are in your

own home spa. Get your husband to watch the kids, turn

your phone off and give yourself a full hour. And no, you

absolutely cannot bring your phone with you for this! This

is not time to be distracted or rushed since you are only

doing it one day a week but feel free to do it more often if

you can carve out more time for yourself.

The fifth thing I schedule is my exercise. That is 5x a

week for me – I try get three days of low impact cardio 30 -

60 minutes (for me that is typically elliptical, brisk walking

or a dance class) the other two days I like to do pilates. If

you are not a member of a gym, thanks to YouTube, there

are an abundance of free classes online for all levels of

fitness. One last important note here, I always warm-up

before I do any exercise and I always stretch for at least

10 minutes when I finish my exercise.

The sixth thing I schedule is quiet time for one hour/week

this is my mini creative playground – a scented candle is

lit, I play classical music, I get out a paper and colored

pens, and I let my mind free flow. I write about things I

love, things I want to do, places I’d like to travel, colors

that inspire me, what I’d like my home to look like, people

that I love and want to spend more time with. I also spend

time thinking about purpose and seeing if any visual or

thoughts come up around that. I think about things in the

big picture of my life. I will often write out the areas that fill

my life and see how I am doing in those. I actually draw

this out since I am a visual person. Just to be clear, I am

not Picasso, these are basic sketches, but it allows me to

see these things…I will post an image of what this looks

like in my FB Community. This time is so refreshing. It

lights passions, lets me dream and helps me create the

bigger picture of my life.

I also write in “My Magnus Opus” which is a book I created

to help capture your unique life story to truly understand

yourself, work through the lessons you’ve learned from

traumatic and difficult experiences in your life and

ultimately to leave behind as your legacy for those you

love. Yes, I give myself permission to write about my life

and try to fully understand how I am to use the gifts God

has given me to best serve others in this world.

The seventh thing I do is eliminate all screen and phone

time after 7:30 (unless there is a project I have to get done

with my team that is running late or, I have been trading

calls with someone I love and know we will be speaking at

night). The big one that only happened this year is turning

the t.v. off at night and instead of watching a movie

together before bed, we now read books we love that

inspire us. What a wonderful thing to fall asleep to.

The eighth and final thing I do is before I close my eyes

tell my partner I love him and say 5 things I am grateful for

that happened today. Yes, even on the worst days, I can

find them. I start with the fact that I woke up, have two

eyes to see, two ears to hear, lungs to breathe in fresh air,

love in my heart, a roof over my head and food in my belly.

Yes, it is that simple sometimes.

Give yourself this gift of self-care time today! You will see

how much better you will feel and how a more refreshed

you – spiritually, mentally and physically --can be more

and give more!

To recap the

8 things I do for

self-care in my week are:

1) I plan out my week ahead on Sunday

2) I have daily Spiritual, prayer, journaling and stretching


3) I have a daily gratitude mantra

4) I do a Self-care-home ritual one time/week

5) I Exercise 3-5 times per week

6) I schedule quiet dream, life I want to live time once a


7) Read daily

8) I End the day with gratitude

So, what does this reformed “busy” person look like

today? My conversion has been wonderful. This is me

today: I have aligned my time with my values and my

passions. I always make time for God. I know my

passions and things that light my heart up. I give myself

creative and dream time and most importantly, I have

stepped into my God-given purpose! Some other

wonderful things that were born out of this process are I

have changed my mindset around money. I have “shed”

things/papers that no longer serve the life I am called to

live as well as the relationships that detract from this life

and this calling.

It is an incredibly powerful and beautiful place which I am

so grateful for. But, I must continually work to keep this

going so I do not go back to the unfulfilling, draining old


I had to learn, look at what I was doing and how I was

spending my time and finally say ENOUGH. It’s truly time

to take care of me which allows me to take even better

care of others.

I hope you give yourself the gift of one, two or all of these

things to give yourself great love and self-care.

Until next time, I’m sending you so much love and light.




for products I used mentioned in the blogpost:


I have the Blush Book Bound Horizontal one but there are many choices.

I also use everything Horatio Printing so you may want to check out the 2022 Dream Planner Kit.


Do You Want To Leave A Legacy For Your Children?


Joy…Connect With Yours